Tuesday 20 September 2011

Surprisingly, Blogger is annoying me.

I've forgotten what I was going to post about, because I've now spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out what's wrong with Blogger.

For instance, my stats don't work.
They just don't.
At first I thought it was just because no one had visited my blog yet, but then I saw a comment from this funny lady whose blog I'd visited earlier on, and then I realized, "Hey! Where's my page view???"
It isn't there.

And then I realized that even though I was following two blogs, my dashboard reader says I have subscribed to nothing.
But the links show on this page don't they?
Divert your eyes to the extreme right of the monitor. Right there. SEE?
But on my dashboard there's nada. Nil. Nothing.
And I tried entering them again, believe me.

I got so frustrated that I actually ran over to wordpress(Oh Blogger gods, I ask forgiveness).
And I made another blog(Please do not smite me).
But the interface with it's endless options and whatnot sent me straight to panic mode, and although I did try to figure things out, I finally decided that I'd like to keep stuff simple, and I deleted the account.

And now I'm back, in a decidedly grumpy mood.
This better sort itself out, that's all.


beckaboots said...

Thanks for checking out my blog!
As for your frustrations, have you actually "followed" those two blogs. Clicked on the "join this site" link? Because you can put them on your blog but for them to show on your dashboard as blogs you've subscribed to, you have to click on the link.
Anyways, I'm not very good at figuring out the details of blogger... haha I feel your pain. Good luck at figuring it out!


Justacogitating said...

Ah, pshaw ... "funny lady" indeed. I was immediately torn between being flattered and being worried that "lady" somehow equates to old.

I've opted for flattered.

I hope you're figuring things out. Hang in there!