Tuesday 25 October 2011


Alright, I am a terrible blogger. 
Or at least I have been so far. 
But no matter- the typhoid has left me and I'm done with my finals, so I can finally catch up with this little piece of the blogosphere, if anyone even visits it at all.
Oooh and by the way- I'm home for 3 weeks! 
Yes, I am one of those people who are extremely happy to come home, mainly because I study in a different country than the one I was born and brought up in, and because I love my parents and the fact that they can cook(really well, too).

I can't cook to save my life.
I once told my mother(who was despairingly questioning God on what my future would be like seeing as how I am useless in the kitchen) that I would subsist on sandwiches and salads, since I am perfectly capable of preparing these with relative ease.
Instead of comforting her, as I hoped they would, my words only ended up causing more anguish. 

And now that I'm home again, the aforementioned conversation just repeated itself.
I stupidly gave her the same answer as I did before. 
Long story short, I have been emotionally blackmailed into learning to prepare three meat dishes, and two veg entrees. 

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Sick of Feeling Sick

So, I'm not flaky, okay?

Just so you know.
I've had typhoid. And Finals.

I'm still on some mild medication, and my semester finals are still going on, but let me just take the time to say it's been the shittiest two and a half weeks of my life so far.
And no, I'm not going to apologize for my language.

I'm staying at my mum's friends place, because I happen to live away from home, so that's one really great thing because the hostel I stay in really sucks.
I was at the aforementioned hostel for a whole week with my fever(because I thought it was just a silly fever and would go), but after a week I started panicking and called my mum's friend.
She's also been appointed my local guardian, and she's an absolute angel let me tell you.
God knows who else could bear my presence in their home for so long!

I feel horrid for having abandoned my blog so soon after starting it up, but what's a girl to do?
Hopefully things will be back on track real soon!